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Can be made in 10 minutes!【teriyaki chicken】How to make plump and juicy teriyaki!

It is hard to make daily side dishes! I highly recommend it to such people!
A secret recipe that is quick and easy to make is revealed in a big way!
★Check out the summary section for more details on how to make it and what to look out for!☟
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鶏のもも肉       1枚※約330g
サラダ油     小さじ1
酒        大さじ1半※約22cc
みりん      大さじ1半※約22cc
しょうゆ     大さじ1半※約22cc
砂糖       小さじ2
片栗粉      大さじ半分
小麦粉      大さじ半分
【ingredients】For 1 serving
1 chicken thigh* approx. 330g
1 teaspoon salad oil
(teriyaki sauce)
1 1/2 tablespoons sake *approx. 22 cc
1 1/2 tablespoons mirin*approx. 22 cc
1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce *approx. 22 cc
2 teaspoons sugar
(meat powder)
Half a tablespoon of potato starch
Half tablespoon flour
① 鶏肉の下処理を行います。
② 厚みのある個所を包丁の刃先で刺します。
③ 片栗粉と小麦粉を合わせて、肉にまんべんなくまぶします。
④ フライパンに油を入れて、皮面を下にして中火で焼きます。
⑤ 蓋をしたら、4分間焼きます。
⑥ 肉を裏返して、更に蓋をして3分間焼きます。
⑦ 一度火をとめて、調味料を全て入れます。
⑧ 火を付けて、タレが沸いたら肉にタレを絡めます。
⑨ 皮側を下にして切ります。
⑩ 器にもりつけて、タレをかければ完成
【How to make】
① Prepare the chicken.
② Stab the thick part with the tip of the knife.
③ Combine chestnut flour and flour and sprinkle evenly over meat.
④ Add oil to the pan and cook skin side down over medium heat.
⑤ Once covered, bake for 4 minutes.
⑥ Turn the meat over, cover and cook for another 3 minutes.
⑦ Turn off the heat once and add all the seasonings.
⑧ Turn on the fire and when the sauce comes to a boil, toss the meat with the sauce.
⑨ Cut with the skin side facing down.
⑩ (10) Arrange in a serving dish and pour the sauce over the top.
① 肉厚の部分は多めに包丁で刺します。
② 片栗粉と小麦粉は混ぜ合わせてから、鶏肉に振りかけます。
③ お肉の火の通り具合を確認してください。
④ 調味料を入れる前は、一旦火を止め フライパンの温度を下げます。
⑤ タレを煮詰め過ぎると、味が濃くなり、焦げると苦くなるので注意してください。
【Makeup points】
① Pierce the thick meaty part with a knife more often.
② Starch and flour are mixed together and then sprinkled over the chicken.
③ Make sure the meat is cooked through.
④ Before adding seasonings, turn off the heat and lower the temperature of the pan.
⑤ Be careful not to overcook the sauce, as the flavor will become strong and the sauce will become bitter if burnt.

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I supervise the development of grand menus and new dishes for famous restaurants in Tokyo, and
I work as a chef and creator, including concept plans for new restaurants.
I have experience working overseas and continue to research cuisine from a global perspective.
On my days off, I cook and serve my family!



★悩み解決 プロの料理人が教える【天ぷらの揚げ方】家で作る天ぷらの揚げ方 分かりやすく説明します!

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