

パスタ 80g
卵 1個
スライスベーコン 30g
玉ねぎ 1/4個
フライドガーリック 適量
唐辛子 少々
オリーブオイル 大さじ2

水 320cc(320g)
白だし 小さじ1
塩 少々
黒胡椒 少々







Pepe-tama is a unique Japanese pasta dish that combines the classic aglio e olio (garlic and oil pasta) with tamago (egg), essentially blending the flavors of peperoncino with egg. Originating from Japan, this dish features garlic, red chili pepper, and egg as its basic ingredients, celebrated for its delightful flavor and the creamy texture of the softly cooked egg. Pepe-tama is notably popular at “Raruki,” a renowned pasta restaurant in Fukuoka, famous for its long queues and a favorite among many celebrities.

**[Pepe-tama Recipe]** aglio e olio with egg

**Ingredients (for one serving):**
– Pasta: 80g
– Egg: 1
– Sliced bacon: 30g
– Onion: 1/4 piece
– Fried garlic: as needed
– Chili pepper: a pinch
– Olive oil: 2 tablespoons

– Water: 320cc (320g)
– White soy sauce (Shirodashi): 1 teaspoon
– Salt: a pinch
– Black pepper: a pinch

1. **Preparation:**
– Dice the bacon into small pieces and slice the onion.

2. In a frying pan, add olive oil, bacon, onion, fried garlic, and chili pepper. Cook over medium heat until the onion is soft.

3. Add water and white soy sauce, then bring to a boil. Add the pasta and cook it on medium-low heat, occasionally stirring, for the time indicated on the package plus one minute.

4. When the water is mostly reduced, turn off the heat, add the egg and salt, and mix quickly.
– *Note: Adjust the saltiness according to how much the mixture has reduced.*

5. Once the egg is cooked by the residual heat of the pan and the sauce becomes creamy, plate the pasta and sprinkle with black pepper to finish!

